The Importance of Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is a very important and oft overlooked part of your job search. With the advent of social media platforms, everybody is able to develop personal brands in their capacity as experts or specialists in their field. Your own professional reputation in the workplace contributes to this unique personal brand.

As a professional you have certain characteristics that form part of your personal brand: the way you position yourself in the workplace and your interactions with peers. You should start thinking of yourself as a brand, i.e. what do you want people to think about when they think of your name? Are there certain subjects or elements of your job whereby you want to be considered an expert?

Your profile on LinkedIn on other social media platforms are really valuable vehicles to represent your brand, so think carefully about the picture you choose, the posts you make and how you present your CV or experience. You should audit your online presence and Google your own name to see what search results come up. You need to carefully consider the content that you put out publicly and find ways to add value to your audience, or your network, by doing so.

Networking is a key part of any personal brand, so try to associate yourself with other strong people in your industry, thought leaders and your career advocates. You can do that by attending conferences, alumni events or other events that professionals in your industry attend. Even within your current company, are there committees that you can join or charities that you can become involved in?

According to Richard Branson, branding demands a commitment that is continuously being re-invented, which leads to the creation and maintenance of premium brands.

Building a strong personal brand is as important as building a company. If you want to be thought of as a credible professional, consistently position yourself as a thought-leader in your specific industry.

This could open doors to better opportunities in the future.

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